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Welcome to the CivBot documentation

This documentation will help you learn what CivBot is capable of and how to interact with it.

How to add CivBot to your server?

If you have your own Discord server or have authority to add bots, then you can add CivBot with help this link.
You can select the available servers to add after following the link.

What is CivBot capable of?

  • Draft nations for FFA games.
    • Autobahns of nations for the guild.
    • Bans of nations from the player.
    • Nation selection options for each player.
  • Swap nations with another player, including a slot (position in the game).
  • Create a lobby link through Steam for other players.
  • Collection of statistics of played games and players.
  • Game moderation by administrators or designated moderators.
  • Rating system (TrueSkill).
What is a draft?

Drafting is a very simple concept to understand. Players simply choose their preferred option from the pool of available items. In our case - nations. This pool of nations to choose from is randomly generated by the bot.